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Journal Pillar Lent 2021 Options

The Journal Pillar is the one where we learn more about ourselves, admit and correct any defects of character, and where we clear our minds of all past hurts and resentments. This is a life long process but great progress can be made when working the Journal Pillar on purpose. We work this Pillar with a pen and paper, as well as with a mentor to help and guide us into getting rigorously honest with ourselves.

This Pillar is by far the most difficult one to work however the most rewarding because, when the shackles of destructive thinking patterns are broken, the mind is set free and great things begin to happen.

The suggestion I present for your Lenten Journey is the Fr. DeGrandis Forgiveness Prayer (Click below to download). This particular prayer had such impact on me and still does. It is very liberating when resentments no longer reside in our hearts.

If you have any questions feel free to message me and feel free to download your free Lenten Planner!

I love you!

God bless,


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About Me

Donovan Duran, raised in Pecos New Mexico, graduated from Capital High in Santa Fe, NM. He attended Arizona Christian University where he played college basketball and earned a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration.

The 8 Pillars Structure

The 8 Pillars of the Mind are in each one of us, a Gift from God.  When we become aware of them and how we are living them, we can then begin to make the necessary changes to deepen our relationship with God and begin to live a lifestyle that ensures health and prosperity. The life you strive to live is within you and we can help you activate, control, and understand this wonder.  Come join us on this extraordinary journey of healthy living with the Lord where your dreams became a reality! 

#Keeping up with the 8 

_It is with the Mind that we Serve the L

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